Trading Analyst
Analyze sentiment of articles related to a trading asset
Analyze sentiment of text and visualize results
News Sentiment
Analyze financial news sentiment from text or URL
Sentiment Analysis
Analyze the sentiment of a text
Live Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Analyze sentiment of Twitter tweets
Analyze sentiment of your text
Youtube Comments Sentiment
Generate sentiment analysis for YouTube comments
Movie Review Score Discriminator
Detect and analyze sentiment in movie reviews
Youtube Video Comments Sentiment Analysis
Analyze YouTube comments' sentiment
Text Classification App
Analyze sentiments in web text content
Real-time sentiment analysis for customer feedback.
Reviews Demo
Analyze sentiment in text using multiple models
RuBert Base Russian Emotions Classifier GoEmotions
Classify emotions in Russian text
Pose Detection And Correction
Enter your mood for yoga recommendations
SMS Scam Detection
AI App that classifies text messages as likely scams or not
Interactive Tweet Sentiment Visualization Dashboard
Analyze sentiment of US airline tweets
Try out the sentiment analysis models by NLP Town
Simple Sentiment Analyser
Analyze text for emotions like joy, sadness, love, anger, fear, or surprise
Fin News Analysis
Analyze sentiments on stock news to predict trends